5 Signs Your Dog Might Be In Pain with Dr Ben Brown

Pain isn’t fun for any of us, and our furry friends are no exception especially when they can’t verbalise their discomfort to us so often our dogs suffer in silence. Because dogs can’t speak, it can sometimes be difficult to spot when they’re pain.
September is Animal Pain Awareness Month. It helps educate and inform pet owners about animal discomfort. The goal is to help pet owners learn about their pets’ health and well-being.
This week we asked Dr Ben Brown from Sydney Animal Hospital to share 5 signs to look out for that may mean your dog is feeling discomfort or pain.
Dr Ben Says “There are many reasons why your dog may be in pain but one of the most common is osteoarthritis which is a form of musculoskeletal pain affecting the joints. Musculoskeletal pain is the most common form of pain in dogs and commonly affects dogs as they get older. Dogs that are obese and certain breeds (e.g. Labradors and German Shepherds) are particularly prone to pelvic osteoarthritis”.
“If your dog is displaying any of these symptoms below it could be symptomatic of osteoarthrisis and you should book them in for a check-up with your local vet”.
1 - Restlessness and difficulty getting into a comfortable position
2 - Limping or adopting an abnormal posture.
3 - Crying out or vocalising when touched in a certain area
4 – Shaking
5 - Stiffness and poor mobility especially after sleeping/first thing in the morning
If you suspect your dog might be showing any of the above signs, please visit your local vet for a check-up just to be sure they are not suffering in silence.
Dr Ben Brown Dr. Ben Brown BVSc(Hons)MANZCVSc Mcom graduated from The University of Sydney in 2003 and since then has worked in a variety of veterinary practices in Australia and the UK. Ben is currently practice owner and veterinarian at Sydney Animal Hospital on the Northern Beaches of Sydney.
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