Happy Assistance Dog Week!
This week we honour and celebrate all the amazing work that assistance dogs do in our community for National Assistance Dog Week.
Here are our top 5 Assistance Dog Accounts on Instagram:
1 - @sirius.service.dog

This super stylish service poodle helps his dog mama @wheel.ghoul get around on her wheelchair assisted adventures. Sirius loves visiting theme parks and getting new hairstyles at the groomer.
2 - @jodi.the.service.dog

Jodi is a medical and psychiatric service dog who takes care of her Mama Lexy. This is a great account to follow for real advice on service dog training as well as inspirational photography and adventures.
3 - @blossomatyourservice

Adorable Blossom is doing her service dog training at Disneyworld Resort in Florida. This colourful account has some great video content of Blossom on her inspirational assistance dog training journey as well as some very, very cute Golden Retriever puppy pics.
4 - @servicedogriver

Follow the training adventures of River for hands on service dog training tricks and advice as well as some very cute photos of River doing what he does best - looking after his dog Mama and handler, Hannah.
5 - @pauli.the.good.boy

Follow Pauli for some heart melting assistance dog moments with his little girl Steph who suffers from a rare illness called Adams Oliver syndrome. Pauli helps get Steph through her hospital visits and keeps her safe, positive and happy.
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